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The United States may have a two-party system, but that doesn’t mean that each party’s platform sits equidistant from the center. According to an analysis done by the New York Times, the Republican party’s manifesto espouses ideals that put it closer to far-right populist parties in Europe. The Democrats, meanwhile, were actually right of center until the most recent presidential election cycle.
Who Won The First Democratic Debate? Politics

The Democrats staged their first primary debate last week in Miami, splitting the 20+ candidates into two groups. To figure out who shined brighter than the rest, FiveThirtyEight partnered with Morning Consult to measure voters’ opinions on candidates before and after the debate. While some frontrunners like Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris scored high, others like Beto O’Rourke and Joe Biden lost supporters.

The 2019 G-20 Summit concluded on Saturday, after President Trump decided to ease tariffs on China while both parties work towards a trade agreement. According to Bloomberg, this is good news for the global economy -- they estimate that the trade war could cost nearly $1.2 trillion in GDP worldwide if it continues through 2021. U.S. imports of tariffed Chinese goods have already dropped by nearly $16B since the start of 2018.

As the production of satellites becomes cheaper, companies in the private sector are jumping at the chance to make money in space. Many of these satellites -- developed by companies like Planet Labs -- are smaller satellites that collect observation data to monitor everything from urban development to crop yield. Behemoths like Amazon are taking note.