A Data Visualization Newsletter
Brought to you Monday mornings by

Our Favorite Stuff

Emissions from transportation continue to be the largest source of greenhouse gases in the United States. And the situation is only getting worse in city centers. This project from the New York Times shows how much CO2 is created by every road in major metros across the country, and how they’ve fared over time.
Fantastic fall foliage and where to find it Environment

It’s finally starting to feel like fall has begun (at least in New York, one of our team member’s home base), which means we’ll be graced with some beautiful foliage soon. And thanks to the folks at WaPo, it’ll be easier to find than ever. By mapping leaf colors to tree types, they created a map that shows where you can see every shade of fall across the U.S.
Ye Olde Mad-Lib Pub Crawl Generator Food & Drink

Another fun one from The Pudding. Armed with a dataset of every pub in England, Caitlyn Ralph and Jan Diehm built a tool to help you imbibe as efficiently as possible. Their ‘pub crawl generator’ finds the shortest route between watering holes that share the same name. Cheers!

Winning in early primary states like Iowa is crucial to a successful presidential campaign. That’s why candidates fight to make their presence known in these states by appearing in person and setting up strategic campaign offices. So which Democratic candidates are winning the ground game in the first four states thus far? For now, it’s a two-way tie.