A Data Visualization Newsletter
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Our Favorite Stuff
The Map of Mathematics Education

Mathematics is a massive, wide-ranging field of study. So how does an outsider start to make sense of it? Quanta Magazine’s latest project is a good place to start. Their team developed a “map” of modern mathematics, that delves into fundamental concepts, open questions, and controversies to help readers get a flavor. It’s an impressive undertaking.

In case you’ve been living under a rock the last three months, Michael Bloomberg is making a run at the Democratic presidential nomination. And he’s spending gobs of his own money to do it. Bloomberg’s spend on digital ads has already topped $50 million this year, and his television spend is a whopping $183 million. Advertising by the other Democratic candidates pales in comparison.

The CropLife International lobby group — composed of the world’s five biggest agrochemical companies — is making big money off of harmful pesticides. A joint investigation by Unearthed and the NGO Public Eye has revealed that these companies make roughly 35% of their sales from pesticides categorized as “highly hazardous” to people, animals, or ecosystems. And that number is even higher in low-income nations.

The impact of the coronavirus is continuing to be felt across the globe. In China, the number of daily departures and arrivals for domestic and international flights has dropped over 13,000 since January 23rd. It’s a troubling trend for countries in the region that rely on Chinese travelers, who spent over $277 billion abroad in 2018. That’s twice as much as residents of the United States.

New American Economy created a fun data visualization to celebrate immigrant stories in movies. Using data from Google Trends, they looked at where the trailers for movies like Knives Out, Ford vs. Ferrari, and The Big Sick were most popular. Would it surprise you that New York City wasn’t the most popular market for the movie Brooklyn?