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Annie Case and Angus Deaton, two economists at Princeton, published groundbreaking research on “deaths of despair” about five years ago. Their data showed that among white, working-class Americans in their 40s and 50s, an increase in suicide, alcoholism, and drug abuse has caused the mortality rate to increase. Further analysis suggests that the trend isn’t relegated to white adults — it persists across other middle-aged, non-college educated groups.
Exit polls from Super Tuesday 2020 Politics

The results from Super Tuesday are (mostly) in, with four candidates — Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Michael Bloomberg — taking home the lion’s share of votes. This analysis of exit polls by The Washington Post tells us which demographics each candidate got the most, and least, support from. Biden had a particularly strong edge with African-American voters, while Bernie dominated among younger folks.
What happened on Bernie’s 2016 turf? Politics

Bernie Sanders entered last week with the delegate lead, and seemed poised to build off his strong showing in the Nevada caucuses. But Joe Biden was ultimately the victor, nabbing major wins in counties that were pro-Sanders during the 2016 primary. So what happened to Bernie’s former supporters? Beatrice Jin from Politico explains.
Tracking Every Coronavirus Case in the U.S. Public Health

The rate of new coronavirus cases in China may be dropping, but the virus is spreading rapidly in other parts of the world. The pace of diagnosis has grown in the U.S., with over 100 new cases announced on both Saturday and Sunday. Patients have now been treated in 34 states, and health officials say it’s only a matter of time until the virus is detected elsewhere.