A Data Visualization Newsletter
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Our Favorite Stuff

The killing of George Floyd sparked historic protests across the United States, including days of civil unrest in Minneapolis. Participants live streamed hundreds of hours of footage from the protests on social media, painting a detailed — and sometimes complicated — picture of what happened. In this project, The Washington Post and The Pudding compile 149 of those videos to create an interactive timeline of the events in Minneapolis.
The Swamp That Trump Built Politics

As president-elect, Donald Trump pledged to step back from his responsibilities in the Trump Organization. In truth, he’s continued to mix business interests with his presidential duties, often hosting donors and other allies at his Washington Hotel and Mar-a-Lago Club. A new analysis by The New York Times reveals at least 200 companies, special interest groups and foreign governments that have patronized Trump’s properties while reaping benefits from his administration.

George Floyd’s death prompted American companies to take a public stand on racial justice and promise to more transparently share information on the diversity of their staffs. But how are they doing? According to Bloomberg, while 86 of the S&P 100’s companies posted on social media advocating for change, only 25 were actually willing to release a full breakdown of their employees by race and gender.
Up in Smoke Environment

Fires on the West Coast continue to burn, compounding problems for farmers already hurting from trade wars and the ongoing pandemic. Wine makers have been hit particularly hard, with some of the biggest fires rolling through wine country and residual smoke ruining unharvested grapes that avoided the flames. This report from Reuters chronicles the devastating impact on the $70 billion California industry.