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Do You Live in a Political Bubble? Politics $ (Possible Paywall)

As our country’s political landscape becomes more polarized, there’s a decent chance you’re living in a “political bubble”. That’s because nearly 40% of Democrats and 20% of Republicans live in an area where less than a fourth of their neighbors belong to the opposite political party. The New York Times argues that reversing this trend will require housing reform and changes to outdated zoning policies.

Since unemployment hit its peak in June 2020, the U.S. labor market has been on a steady path to recovery. But that doesn’t mean every metro and every ethnic group is experiencing the same fate. For Asian Americans in San Francisco and Los Angeles, the rebound has been slow, while for Hispanics in Phoenix, a strong construction industry has meant plenty of jobs. Bloomberg digs into the data to understand where the recovery has been stronger and where it’s been weaker.
#SOS: India's tweets for help Public Health

As the COVID-19 crisis worsens in India, hospitals in major cities like Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore have been overwhelmed by patients. Indians are starting to take matters into their own hands, sending pleas for things like oxygen and COVID tests via social media sites like Twitter. Reuters analyzed tweet patterns among Indian users over the past several weeks as things become increasingly dire.

Black women are far more likely to be killed by police than other women, but their experiences rarely make waves in the media. Breonna Taylor’s case may be well-known now; but it was only in light of George Floyd’s murder, several months after Taylor’s death, that Taylor’s story began to garner national media attention. FiveThirtyEight examines why the coverage surrounding police shootings of Black women has typically been so low.

Asian Americans are the fastest growing population in the U.S., representing nearly 7% of the total population according to Census estimates. We often think of them as a single block, but in reality, Asian Americans are comprised of dozens of ethnic groups of Asian descent. CNN examines the diversity of Asian Americans along racial, economic, and geographic lines.