
A Data Visualization Newsletter

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Our Favorite Stuff

248 immigrants

New research from economists at Stanford and Princeton shows that children of immigrants are exceptionally good at climbing up the economic ladder. In the study, the professors compare the income trajectories of immigrants’ children to those of people whose parents were born in the United States. Their data suggests that immigrants’ children who grew up poor were nearly twice as likely to become rich as those in their peer group.

248 guns

While mass shootings in Highland Park, Uvalde, and Buffalo have held Americans’ attention of late, they’re only a piece of the rising number of gun deaths in the United States. With firearm purchases reaching record levels in America in 2020 and 2021, the rate of gun deaths in those years hit their highest rate since 1995. It’s a stark reminder of the violence that can emerge in everyday American life.

248 myanmar

Using reports from 14,000+ violent events in Myanmar, the IISS created this interactive map to make sense of the country’s evolving civil war. Explore the map or dig into one six visual essays to understand the causes and consequences of the ongoing violence, and track how it progresses going forward.

248 birds

Bird migration is one of the great wonders of the world. But as the human population increases and climate change sets in, more and more of birds’ preferred flyways are being threatened. This project from CNN and Rolex examines one of those paths — from Eastern Asia to Australia — and one conservation organization’s plan to save it.

248 inflation

The latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that inflation continued to rise at historic levels in June. But this inflation doesn’t affect everybody equally; households that spend more on certain goods — like gas, furniture, and certain food products — are feeling these price increases more acutely. Research by USAFacts suggests those households tend to be younger.

248 checkings

For many Americans, the prospect of an “overdraft fee” — a thirty-something dollar charge that banks issue when somebody spends more than they have in their checking account — is a minor inconvenience. But for millions of others, it can make putting food on the table that much harder. Even so, banks have resisted calls to remove the fees for years, mainly due to financial incentives — the fees drive over half of the profitability of mass-market checking accounts.