
A Data Visualization Newsletter

Brought to you Monday mornings by

Our Favorite Stuff

279 gaza

The situation in the Middle East continues to deteriorate. First, Hamas — the Islamist militant group that has ruled Gaza since 2006 — launched a terrorist attack on Israeli soil, killing more than 1,300 people. Since then, Israel has launched a strong retaliatory campaign and ordered over one million civilians in Gaza to evacuate their homes. Reuters is following the latest developments and updating this page as new information surfaces.

How to Cool Down a City Environment $ (Possible Paywall)

279 singapore

As global temperatures rise, sweltering heat in urban areas will endanger the lives of so many people. That’s because the way we create cities — from the buildings we live in to the cars we drive — amplifies the heat. But Singapore is spending enormous amounts of money to try to cool itself down, with innovative architectural designs and a greater emphasis on rooftop gardens and foliage. It may eventually serve as a model for other cities.

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There’s a loneliness epidemic happening across the United States. According to data from the American Time Use Survey, more and more people are living isolated existences without much interaction between friends and family. This can have a massive impact, making us feel anxious, lowering our self-esteem, and decreasing our happiness. Alvin Chang walks us through the implications for The Pudding.

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Beer has been around for a long, long time — at least since 11000 B.C. But the beer of paleolithic times was a far cry from the crisp lagers and hazy IPAs that we enjoy today. It took thousands of years and innovations across several continents for beer to evolve into its current form. This article from The Washington Post takes you on a fun, interactive journey through the history of beer.

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During the pandemic, our daily routines shifted dramatically. We spent more time working out, reading for pleasure, and practicing our religious beliefs. But as we return to normalcy, which new habits have died off and which ones have stuck around? FlowingData’s Nathan Yau investigates using data from the American Time Use Survey.