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Increasing temperatures around the globe promise to bring far-reaching consequences, from extreme weather events to rising sea levels. Climate change may also cause the melting of permafrost, a layer of frozen soil or rock that seals in highly compressed carbon and methane gases. The South China Morning Post explores the varied ramifications of melting permafrost, like larger lakes on the Tibetan Plateau.

Between 2010 and 2017, American workers filed over one million employment discrimination claims with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or local partner agencies. Of the 930,000 cases that have already been closed, 82 percent didn’t receive any monetary compensation or change in working conditions. The Washington Post digs through the data to find the cases that most commonly result in some form of relief.
The 2020 Endorsement Primary Politics

Anticipation for the 2020 presidential election is already starting to mount, as another high-profile Democrat jumped into the race last week. As the field becomes more crowded, FiveThirtyEight is doing us all a favor by tabulating the number of endorsements that each candidate receives from prominent members of their party. So far, Cory Booker looks to be out to an early lead.
Amazon Standoff Politics

Right-wing politician Jair Bolsonaro assumed the Brazilian presidency in January, after running a campaign that was based, in part, on his distaste for the strict protection of indigenous lands. An analysis by Reuters suggests that his rhetoric has already emboldened some loggers, miners, and hunters to invade tribal lands in search of natural resources. Deforestation has also jumped significantly.

Green Book’s controversial Best Picture win, this year’s Oscars ceremony was generally heralded for the diversity of its presenters and performers. Another measure of Hollywood’s progress: according to an analysis by Ivan Lokhov at Datawrapper, more films in the 2010s are passing the Bechdel test than ever before. Still, only 64% of recent films meet all three of the test’s criteria.